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Antigonish Culture Alive (ACA) is excited to announce the return of our annual fundraiser, All You Need is Cake. This fundraiser for visual and performing arts programming in Antigonish will take place on Wednesday, March 26, from 6:00-9:00 pm at Candid Brewing Company. Tickets are $10 at the door or $8 in advance and are available at Candid Brewing Company (88 College Street) and the Antigonish 5 to $1 (245 Main Street). All ages are welcome. ACA’s 3rd annual “All You Need is Cake” fundraiser invites families, friends, groups, couples from our community to partake in a charming evening of entertainment that will include cake art battles, donated cake auctions, live music, and improv games. The theme for this year’s All You Need is Cake fundraiser is “Celebrate Spring!” We invite audience members to dress in their best spring-themed attire for a chance to win the ‘Sweetest Dressed’ Prize. All You Need Is Cake is ACA’s kick-off event for 2025’s arts and culture programming, including our annual Antigonight:Art After Dark Festival, scheduled for September. ACA offers a special thanks to the Antigonish Improv group for generously donating their talents to host and emcee for a second year! Culinary and visual artists such as Gillian McCullough and Councilor Andrew Murray will be contestants in a cake-off battle. Commercial and community volunteers contribute beautifully decorated cakes and cupcakes for an open auction. Antigonish Culture Alive (ACA) is the regional arts council of Antigonish (Nalikitquniejk). ACA is dedicated to enhancing and sustaining artistic and cultural life in Northeastern Nova Scotia. For thirty years, ACA has increased engagement with local arts and culture events, and promoted Antigonish as a major cultural hub within Nova Scotia. Serving as the charitable umbrella organization for arts organizations including the Antigonish Performing Arts Series (annual invitational international professional music series). ACA’s core programming provides forums for professional and emerging artists to exhibit, present, or perform their artistic works in the Antigonish area, including our annual after-dark festival, Antigonight. For more information regarding Antigonish Culture Alive or the All You Need Is Cake event, please reach out to the Arts Coordinator, Cassie MacDonald at antigonishculturealive@gmail.com. Facebook Event Invite: https://www.facebook.com/share/19xQrjfBX2/ Follow us: Facebook @CultureAlive Instagram @antigonishculturealive